The Quick Links feature is enabled by hitting CTRL + SHIFT + SPACEBAR when the focus is on a Salesforce tab (read Options section for customization of shortcuts) or by clicking on the Magic Button link:
The text box is used to search for different useful stuff.
Hitting enter without selecting any suggestion, opens the first suggestion found (if any).
Type the @ character to open all available commands:
The @ command character can be customized to wathever character you prefer (read Options section for customization of shortcuts): we strongly suggest to add a non alphanumeric char to avoid misunderstandings.
Since version you can customize the order of the commands from the Options page:
The @help command opens an helper that displays all the custom, standard and sobject links available for a given ORG.
Standard setup/custom links - @links
List of all standard setup links (classic and LEX, depending on your current ORG configuration) and custom pages links.
To open the link on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button:
Quick links configured in your ORG (as seen in the ORGs section)
You can add a quick link on the fly using the @add command, passing a mandatory quicklink name:
To open the link on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button.
Temporary history links links - @history
This command allow you to create temporary links useful for current work or development.
This feature is useful when you are developing and need to go bacn and forth certain links.
To add a new item simply type the @add command and, optionally, add a description:
History items are only stored locally and not synced on the Chrome Storage.
There can be only 20 temporary links per ORG (they older ones are automatically deleted when new ones are added).
To open the link on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button.
Useful standard/custom object setup links - @objects
Open the main setup pages of your ORG's standard/custom objects:
To open the link on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button.
Custom relative paths
Open an org resource on the fly by preceding the / character on the search.
To open the link on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button.
Global search - @search
Opens the Global search fed by the typed string.
To open the link on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button.
Quick login to a stored account - @login
To open the login on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button.
Metadata search - @metadata search
You can search the following metadata components:
To open the link on another tab type the # character before or after the search term or (from version hit CTRL + Mouse Click or (from version click with Mouse Central Button.